Data Science Essentials

Data Science Essentials - Badge

The purpose of the Big Data Fundamentals Certification is to show that the professional has the knowledge about the basic concepts, structure, technologies and tools for the management and analysis of large volumes of data with Big Data, in addition to recognizing its application areas.

Key Features

What competencies are assessed in this certification?

Example diploma

Who should take this exam?

This exam is ideal for responsible individuals or teams seeking to understand the business potential of Big Data & Data Science and related technologies on the development of organizations Roles such as: Software engineers, application developers, I.T. architects, business analysts, data analysts, project managers, systems analysts. For individuals or teams who are involved in system or database administration and big data analysis, and who are looking to move towards Big Data.

Asked Questions

Certifications expire because the frameworks, the technologies they certify, and the environment in which they are applied are constantly evolving and changing.

Therefore, it is necessary to renew certifications from time to time to ensure that you keep your knowledge and skills up to date.

The validity period of certifications is usually between 3 and 5 years.

Yes, you can become certified by self-study if you are confident and disciplined enough to prepare on your own.

To do so, you should review the recommended materials we recommend, such as books, guides, videos or simulators.

You can also consult other complementary sources of information, such as blogs, podcasts or forums.

A digital badge is a graphical representation of your certification that you can share on your social media, resume or professional portfolio.

It is a way to showcase your achievement and competence to your contacts, employers or potential clients.

A digital badge contains verifiable information about your certification, such as name, date, issuing entity, and validation code.

Our certifications are recognized worldwide in the 160 countries that are part of the International Organization for Standardization.

CertMind is a registered certifying entity in the United States under the name of CertMind LLC. In addition, it complies with the international standards ISO 17024 and ISO 23988, which establish the requirements for entities that perform certification of persons and assessment of competencies.

CertMind has the support and trust of thousands of professionals and organizations that have obtained their certifications in different areas, such as Scrum, Agile, DevOps, Lean Six Sigma, among others.

CertMind also offers consulting to help you prepare for certification exams. At CertMind, we strive to provide you with quality service, innovation and excellence.

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Big Data Fundamentals